volunteer fundraising committee


Our fundraising committee meets once a month at Naperville Area Humane Society (NAHS). We participate in many off-site events for the purposes of promoting our organization, showing our animals, and raising money for the homeless animals of NAHS and all that it takes to care for these animals. We are always looking for enthusiastic individuals with connections in the community to help plan and organize events.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. As part of the committee, what will I do?

    The committee meets once each month to plan/brainstorm future fundraising ideas and dates. You will attend and bring your thoughts and ideas for current and future events. This committee will help organize and coordinate whatever is needed to set up successful events, including seeking donations for the events (such as gift cards, gift baskets, etc.)

  2. What is the time commitment?

In addition to attending the fundraising committee meeting each month, you will attend and help run several of the events. You will also be seeking and securing donations from community businesses such as gift baskets and gift cards to raise money at NAHS events.

If you are interested in helping raise funds and would like to join our committee please contact our Administrative Department at admin@naperhumane.org or (630) 420-8989.