
Estimated date of birth 08/11/2021 Male Weight: 65 pounds
Adoption fee: Sponsored by a generous donor!

Hi, I'm Derby! Do you love dogs? Well, I LOVE people! I'm what they call a "people-pooch" and have had over 1000 human interactions over my 276 days at NAHS. I really enjoy all the attention and those extra snacks that come with meeting new friends. I am eager to give ALL of my love to someone as special as I am. I really am an outgoing puppy in a big dog’s body. After human companionship, my top 3 favorite things are walks (you’ll get plenty of exercise with me by your side), playtime (balls and toys of any kind), and food. Speaking of food, I really enjoy learning, and treats provide me with the extra motivation to learn quickly. I should be the only pet in the home, with no children or young teens so I can give you all of my love. I’d prefer to be your one and only.

I guess that’s all I have to say right now—I’ll tell you lots more when we meet. I hope that will be soon. My tail is wagging in anticipation!

A message from Derby’s foster:

“Derby has been at our house for over 2 months. He has learned a lot in that time. He is treat motivated and has learned lots of tricks. When Derby is fed, he sits and waits until we say “OK”. He loves car rides and long walks in the morning. He also loves to be outside in the yard and comes in when called.

Derby loves to keep us company when we’re cooking in the kitchen or relaxing on the sofa. Derby is ready for his forever home. He will be a loving and loyal puppy.”

*I’m in a foster home, but am still very available for adoption! If you would like to meet me, please call 630-420-8989 to schedule an appointment.



